Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Email from Connie

Tony can you put on blog, several classmate called for Constance number to check up on her with the flood in Tennessee,
Got this respond from her.


Hello classmates,

I'm doing just fine, God is Good.

Geneivee moved back to Florida about 1 1/2 year ago, near the Tampa area. The Nashville subdivision that she
lived in had a GREAT deal of damage, five individuals died in that area about five miles
from my home.

I left for Atlanta, GA for my job on May 2, 2010, did not realize the depth of
the situation until I was in my hotel room watching the news. Apparently, I actually
drove in the midst of the storm. God watches over fools and babies. I guess I was
a blessed fool that day.

Thank you for checking on me, I received calls from Sam Solomon, Don, Davann and
Clarinda. If you see them before me, please let everyone know that Father God of mercy
and compassion took excellent good care of me and my family.

Blessings, Love and Hugs,

(615) 253-5365 (daytime #)

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