Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thank You Letter from John Lester

The Friends of John Lester Trust P.O. Box 694244, Miami FL 33269

May 12, 2010
Mr. Don Williams,
Miami Northwestern High School graduates, and
Bulls’ 72 class

Dear friends and supporters of John Lester,

On behalf of Dr. John Lester, thank you for your most recent generous contribution of $313.50 to the Friends of John Lester Trust. This was the amount collected at the Northwestern H.S. Alumni Old School Night, Friday, May 7.

These gifts go 100 percent toward the medical treatment and May 6 surgery of Dr. Lester at Cleveland Clinic in Weston. The initial results are reported to be highly positive and Dr. Lester should be returning home any day now.

Combined with previous donations attributable to Northwestern alumni and friends, the total of such Northwestern-related donations is now $1,211. This is a significant source of assistance to Dr. Lester to receive the treatment he needed and will continue to need. It will be great for this same spirit of giving to continue, just as Dr. Lester’s need for fundraising continues.

Also, Dr. Lester expresses how he is uplifted by the renewed friendships and care from
Northwestern alumni, like the visit of three alumni to his home to provide-fix-up work, including the repair of his main chair. Also, he has appreciated the hospital visits and phone calls of support and prayer.


Ted Wilde, trustee
The Friends of John Lester Trust

Copy: Dr. John Lester; Mae Whitehead, trustee

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